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Plumeria Variegated Plant

Growing Environment

  • Best Suited for Indoor Growing: Plumeria variegated plants thrive in bright, sunny environments and are often best suited for bright indoor spaces.
  • Outdoor Option: They can be grown outdoors in warm, sunny locations with protection from extreme cold.

Light Requirements

  • Optimal Light: Plumeria prefers full sun, requiring at least 6 hours of bright sunlight daily.
  • Tip: If grown indoors, place them near a south or west-facing window for optimal light.


  • Frequency: Water when the top inch of the soil feels dry, typically every week or so.
  • Method: Water thoroughly, allowing excess to drain out. Do not let the roots sit in water.

Humidity Needs

  • Ideal Humidity: They prefer moderate humidity levels between 40-60%.
  • Tip: If indoors, increase humidity using a humidity tray, especially in dry conditions.


  • Type: Use a balanced fertilizer during the growing season.
  • Frequency: Feed every 4-6 weeks during the active growth period.
  • Tip: Avoid fertilizing during the winter dormancy period.

Air Circulation

  • Importance: Good air circulation helps prevent fungal diseases.
  • Tip: Ensure proper ventilation but avoid placing them in direct drafts.